50th Anniversary Scholarship Ride
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 15, 2024 Saturday Feb 17, 2024
MARK YOUR CALENDARS. Our 50th Anniversary - Scholarship Ride will take place February 15-17. We will be having music by 2 Weeks Notice at Vacationaire Resort and Clancy's On Island Lake on Saturday the 17th. ***MORE DETAILS TO COME.
50th Anniversary Scholarship Ride
We are still waiting for Winter; but finally have a glimmer of hope with the ground turning white. We have approximately 4+ inches of snow, but nothing in the forecast. We do however have extremely cold temperatures projected for the week (which we need too). 

If there are any diehards that will be venturing out on the trails. Please USE CAUTION. Ride the trails wide and not up the middle to help set up the system for the duration of the season. Also, if you come across any trees or branches, etc and are able to toss them into the woods, this will significantly help our groomers when they are able to fire up the machines.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS. Our 50th Anniversary - Scholarship Ride will take place February 15-17. We will be having music by 2 Weeks Notice at Vacationaire Resort and Clancy's On Island Lake on Saturday the 17th. ***MORE DETAILS TO COME.