Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday, June 13, 2024; 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.
Calvary Lutheran Church
112 Park Ave. So
Park Rapids, MN 56470
No admission/donations will be taken for the musicians
218 252 9970
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Featured at the Noon Hour Concert on Thursday, June 13 12:15 to 12:45 at Calvary Lutheran Church will be Bass-Baritone soloist Carson Binkley. He is going into his third year at Bemidji State University as a vocal performance major under Dr. Cory Renbarger. He won the NATS competition in his age division and the DeKray Vocal Scholarship Competition and will be singing Figaro and Antonio in the Bemidji State University’s opera programs rendition of “The Marriage of Figaro”.”
Donations will be accepted.
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