Stress, Hormones, and Health and the impact of the Holidays
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 6, 2023
12/6/23 Registration is at 5:00 and the presentation starts at 5:30 pm
At the Wine Not in Park Rapids MN
You must register
Contact Information
Cheryl Rising. call 701-527-2583 to register or email at crisingnp@gmail.com
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Dr. Cheryl Rising, DNP, FNP-BC is presenting on Stress, Hormones, and Health and the impact of our Holiday Season. Come learn how to come out of the Holiday Season feeling better than ever before. The presentation starts at 5:30 pm on 12/6/23 at the Wine Not in Park Rapids MN. Come enjoy an evening with a friend, a free meal is provided. Learn how you can invest in your wellness journey.