Carters' Farm
Organization: Arts, Attractions & Entertainment
Driving Directions:
Hwy 34 3 miles west of PR, left on 119 Ave 3.5 miles on left OR US 71 4 miles south of PR, right on CR 14, 3 miles to 119 Ave, 1.5 mile on right.
About Us
Carters' is a fresh produce and on-farm entertainment farm.
The farm's story began with tomatoes. In 1955, Russell Carter planted tomatoes on the south slope of his garden and sold tomatoes from a wagon on the side of Highway 71. A few years later, he bought land in Park Rapids, Minnesota, that would become Carters' Farm.
Over the years, the farm has included an award-winning Ayrshire dairy herd, hogs, chickens, ponies, sheep, and even some goats. The fields have produced tomatoes, sweet corn, strawberries, pumpkins, asparagus, green beans, alfalfa, cucumbers, zucchini, raspberries, blueberries, and much more.
During the summer, you can also find Carter produce at The Red Barn in Park Rapids on East 34 and the Park Rapids Farmers Market, as well as at Necce's and the Walker Farmers Market.
Our fall festival is held every year at the farm—giant corn maze, wagon rides, music, pumpkin games, refreshments from local vendors, and more. Find out the latest at CartersFarm.org.
Video Media
- Farm-fresh produce: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, and more.
- Annual fall festival out at the farm: giant corn maze, wagon rides, music, pumpkin games, and more.