Sunday Jan 12, 2025
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Check in at Long Bridge Restaurant, Detroit Lakes, MN
218 847 2641
This is a great opportunity to learn how to ice fish. We’ll drill the holes, provide a warming shelter, and tips on winter fishing. This free experience is geared for youth 6-16 but the whole family can tag along! Go to “events” at to register your child for a time to meet with volunteer mentors at 1, 2, or 3 pm. Those signed up will receive free fishing kits, so registration is important. We’ll be meeting at the Long Bridge Restaurant (2000 Long Bridge Rd, Detroit Lakes) parking lot, look for the blue banners. If unstable ice, location may change- we’ll send an email, or you can call the refuge at 218-847-2641.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism for more information.
1204 Park Avenue South, Park Rapids, MN 56470 – (218) 732-4111 –